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Monday, January 13, 2019.
today is my first day at Central Luzon State University (CLSU). today is my orientation towards this campus. that morning we were invited by our coordinator Dr. Gaboy to attend the ceremony. at that time we were introduced to all faculties within CLSU.
this is our picture at that time.


after we were introduced at the ceremony, we were invited to meet with CLSU officials. we met CLSU's president and vice president. also we were introduced to CLSU. The following is our picture when visiting the office of President CLSU


after visiting CLSU's president, we introduced CLSU, Philippine education and culture in the Philippines at the guest house. when we were introduced to the Philippines how to speak which is also called tagalog language. starting from greetings, thanks, calls to people, and so forth.
besides that we also know a number of cultures in the Philippines that I have not forgotten until now are Filipinos who really like to eat. in a day they are able to eat 6 times. wow imagine how often they eat.

after we did our orientation we were invited to the CLSU center staff. there we saw extraordinary things that CLSU had bolted. this is our picture in the science center


and today is an extraordinary day when I know a lot of new cultures.

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