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1.1   Teaching Method

learning carried out by the teacher using the 5e model learning model. This learning method is similar to the scientific approach in Indonesia. in this model there are 5 phases namely;

1) engage

2) explain

3) explore

4) elaborate

5) evaluation


1.2   Learning Materials and Innovation

During the practicum I taught at USHS, I gave quite enjoyable learning, like I gave educative games before learning began, this was meant in learning motivation. The learning media that I have given aside from using my powerpoint also provides a conventional description of using hand creativity in making learning media for students. Learning materials also depend on the contents of the learning topic. In addition, students also prepare learning materials that they will use when the teacher provides task performance.


1.3   Sources of Learning and Technology

When i observe sir Marius, he use power point to explane the material to the studets. He found the material in tex book an internat. To record student’s point, he used index card.the poit wil be consider for the final score


1.4   Authentic Assessment


The foundation of authentic assessment revolves around evaluating a students’ ability to apply what they have learned in physics. Students are asked to quiz or another test to evaluation at the end of the class or at the end of the topics. It’s also with midterm and final semester.


Me and my Cooperative Teacher Sir. Marius

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